TB rolls at 8:30 from old Signal Rd Kmart (now the Aldi behind Burger King). Head north, climb Montlake, down Hotwater, and then the may, lee Armstrong loop. A metric.
Saturday 10/6
Gonna be a scorcher for October this Sat and seein’ as how Bubba needs to get in some Okterberfest training he’ll roll early. Roll at 8:00 from Unum. (Those of us needing less will jump on around 8:25 at the Tif Bilo to shave 10 miles.) Toe, Kelly’s Ferry to Cummings, down the stairs, over Ladd, up the good road of Sand and across the top, and then mix things up by descending to Trenton and coming back Creek Rd. 68 miles, 3800 feet. Easy to short by turning on 299. Real Oktoberfest training at UJ post-ride.
Saturday 7/7
Weatherman promises it will be a little cooler tomorrow but seein’ as how I don’t believe him TB will roll early to beat the heat. Roll @ 8:00 from Unum. Toe, 299, over Ladd to South Pitt (where we’ll pick up a bottle at Steady’s place for the pool party), refuel at the fireworks store, then the back road where Squeaky likes to swim, and back Cummings (up the stairs). REMEMBER TO REGROUP ON 299 AFTER “TRUCK STOP HILL” OR I’LL SAY HURTFUL THINGS. Should be a fairly fast route and back before 12. 66 miles, 3400 feet. For Bubba’s who must get 4000 feet before they do a cannon ball into the pool, up Lookout to Sanders for 70 miles and 4000 feet. (Yes, BubOne, we know you are.)
Saturday 6/30
Heat will be suffocating tomorrow so TB will get an early climb and then look for shade. Roll at 8:30 from Unum. Toe, Elder (with loop up top), Cummings, Murphy, then wind around to Creek Rd. (Check the map – we’ve only done this a time or two.) 60 miles, 4000 feet. Lunch at UJ.
Saturday 6/30
Heat will be suffocating tomorrow so TB will get an early climb and then look for shade. Roll at 8:30 from Unum. Toe, Elder (with loop up top), Cummings, Murphy, then wind around to Creek Rd. (Check the map – we’ve only done this a time or two.) 60 miles, 4000 feet. Lunch at UJ.
Saturday 4/28
Bub One Bluegrass Ride! See Elite post.
Sat 4/21
Jacket wants a pre-Hincapie look at Sequatchie Mtn and seein’ as how he can’t remember his home phone number when he gets in trouble we figure we shouldn’t leave him alone. Roll at 8:30 from the old Tiftonia BiLo (corner of Cummings and Browns Ferry). (No reps from me about where you should park – I believe there’s an old school or something down Kelly Ferry that may be an option. The old BiLo lot may also be an option although the shops folks there may complain.) Out Cummings, down the stairs, East Valley to Valley View, and up Sequatchie Mtn. A metric and 4500 feet with lots of ways to short it. (Those numbers are deceiving: this one will hurt.) Count on one refueling stop at the Bait Shop (probably on the way back.)
Saturday 3/31/18
When Boss is gone, T-Rex leads. Roll from Unum at 9am for the traditional 3S3M metric course. Up Suck, through the valley, Shellmound, and back via 299 (can only do this when Jay is out of town). Lunch at the UJ.
TNWC Reminder 4/24/18
Elites roll at 5:30 and No Stop Ride at 5:45
Sunday 3/25/18
Weatherman is stoopid. Roll Sun @ 2:00 from old signal rd Kmart. Up Montlake, down hot water and back. Yes Steady, it is less than ‘half a hundred.’ 46 miles, 2700 feet. We’ll keep it moving and lots of ways to short it.