Roll from H&A at 9:00 for The Beast. 37 miles with an alternate route for those with a legitimate doctor’s excuse. Easy to add a lap or two at the bend for those wanting more.
Sat 12/29
Yes a little late but it’s time for the Wilbur Chimney ride. We’ll roll at 9:30 from the Starbucks at Rock City on Lookout Mtn. but come early for some good coffee. Route takes us to Point Park, West Brow and then out Scenic Hwy. Down Burkhalter, up 136, and then around Humping Dow Loop. Back via Lulu Lake Rd. Got some visitors joining us so let’s be nice. Post ride coffee and pictures at the Starbuck’s chimney when done.
Monday 12/24
Okay, Fly called an audible Saturday, but the good news is that we can now do this ride in the morning. Monday we’ll make do with the north chatt hills again. Roll from Heaven & Ale at 10:00 (it’ll be 35 degrees). We’ll go until our toes can’t stand any more. Check the map as we’re mixing things up (thanks Fisher!). Easy to drop off any time and head to the mall. Those with more time and who don’t have Renee toes will add on as the planet warms.
Sat & Sun 12/15 & 16
Same song second verse. Going to roll the dice for tomorrow morning as it looks like we’ll have a small window to get a ride in. Roll at 9:00 from Boss’s Hoppy Place (Heaven & Ale on Cherokee Blvd). for a 40 mile ride. Through town, over the toe and then up Lookout. Turn left at Saunders before the top over to Ochs and then right on Guild Trail Rd before we get to the bottom. From there we’ll head south with a mixture of familiar roads. Check map for details. Route gives us multiple opportunities to short if the weather gets ugly.
Sunday’s weather looks better so let’s plan for another makeup ride from Aldi’s at the bottom of Signal. We’ll roll at 1:30 and head north to Hotwater and back.
Sunday 12/9
SURVIVAL SUNDAY — Okay, assuming we survive being indoors all day Saturday, ROLL FROM H&A SUNDAY AT 1:30. Over the toe, up ELDER and right to descend Raccoon (don’t go all the way to the top), down the Stairs, 299 back. Winter pace – if you simply can’t control yourself there are plenty of other places to ride. Recovery beverages at H&A. CHECK BACK FOR CHANGES IN START TIME DEPENDING ON WEATHER.
Saturday & Sunday 12/1-2
Okay, so Saturday won’t be fit for man or Will-de-beast. So, roll Sunday at 1:30 (Bubba don’t post over church) from the old Signal Rd Kmart (now Aldi) for the Hotwater loop. We know that’s not exciting but it’s desperate times given the weather. TB and Elites. “Winter pace” although we will go fast enough to keep Steady and #3 from talking about the Cracker Barrel that was at the bottom of Missionary Ridge during the Civil War. (Rudy, am I wrong to not want to hear any more about that?)
Don’t forget Bub 1’s Bluegrass Christmas Saturday night. BYOB and that’s not bring your own Bubba!
Thanksgiving Week
Wednesday 11/21 – Lunch ride from the Downtown YMCA rolls at 11:45.
Thanksgiving Day – Bubba’s Choice. You’re on your own today. Enjoy.
Friday – Some Bubbas still have to work so let’s schedule a lunch ride. Roll from the YMCA parking lot at 11:45 for about 1:30 ride. Those that have the time can add on. Route TBD
Saturday – Weather permitting we’ll roll at 9:30 from the Heaven & Ale taproom on Cherokee Blvd. We’ll head south via Dry Valley, Marble Top, etc. and return via Kennsington, Boss Rd. and back through Chattanooga Valley. At St. Elmo we’ll hit Guild Trail Rd and then you can make a decision at Ochs Hwy to turn left and climb Lookout or turn right and head back to Boss’s happy place. 50 miles with no climb, 58 with the climb. Watch for weather updates Saturday morning.
Sat 11/3
FREDONIA IX: Resurrection of The Warlock
Roll from old Signal Rd Kmart (now an Aldi) at 8:00. 80 miles, 8000 feet, 3.5 climbs. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Saturday 10/27/18
Primary TB ride the BubOne v2.5. See Elite post.
For those with less time, roll from Falling Water at 8:30 for one of the routes washed out last week — climbing Retro or Brayton. Brayton Mtn route linked below. Retro route shaves it to like 50 miles.
Saturday 10/6
Gonna be a scorcher for October this Sat and seein’ as how Bubba needs to get in some Okterberfest training he’ll roll early. Roll at 8:00 from Unum. (Those of us needing less will jump on around 8:25 at the Tif Bilo to shave 10 miles.) Toe, Kelly’s Ferry to Cummings, down the stairs, over Ladd, up the good road of Sand and across the top, and then mix things up by descending to Trenton and coming back Creek Rd. 68 miles, 3800 feet. Easy to short by turning on 299. Real Oktoberfest training at UJ post-ride.
Have you registered for Oktoberfest? Remember, Sunday midnight is the last chance to register.