Sat. 01/11 No Rain Contingency

Dark Sky now shows a break from rain from about 6am until 2pm for Saturday. As a contingency roll at 9am from Mike’s Hole in the Wall for the Saturday rain ride. That way if mother nature wags her finger you have multiple ways to bail. 46 miles as drawn up. Park behind Mike’s in the lot at the corner of W. Bell and Chilhowie St. Whoever shows up first is the leader and can modify route as they see fit.


Time for the Beast. Roll at 9:00 from the General’s House (4101 Wilson Ave. Signal Mtn.) or meet us as we roll past Merv’s around 9:25. Annual climb up Robert’s Mill. Post ride festivities at the General’s. Bring a side dish to share and your favorite beverages. We’ll be milling with a bunch of runners who think running up the W is something to brag about. 


Sat. 12/21 Merry Christmas

Lots of folks out of town or Christmas shopping Saturday so let’s just say anyone wanting to ride with a Bubba roll from Mike’s Hole in the Wall (Chilhowee Street lot)  at 9:00. Folks can decide route in the parking lot which is always a bad idea but that way a route can be agreed upon based on the schedules of folks who show.

No official Poop Loop ride this Tuesday unless you’re just plain desperate….

Go ahead and mark the calendars for a 9:00 start New Year’s day from the General’s house – details coming soon but yes, the route will include the annual climb up The Beast.

Extra prayers for Romeo’s dad and Mike Wazowski’s hip


Roll from the old Falling Water Elementary at 8:30 tomorrow.    After a short warm up we’ll climb our old friend Mtn Rd to mix things up, then head across Mowbry via the 10 longest miles to the Hell of the North (yes, the hard way because we ate too much pie).    After HON we’ll work our way down Leggett, then Back Valley to the cars.   Stop whining – only 57 miles and 3800 feet, it will just feel like more.    Seein as how it’s Don’t Hammer December let’s keep the pace tapped back a little.   Strong men can get plenty on Mtn Rd and HON, and there will be an optional 2nd climb up Hotwater on the way back through (that should get strong men in the metric range).   Only planned stop is at the store on top which is early in the ride so make sure you fill up there.   We will regroup periodically and if you don’t like stopping just ride backwards!    Should be back around 12 when we’ll refuel at Merv’s.  


Bubba Thanksgiving

Lots of options for the next 4 days so let’s get to it.

  • Thanksgiving Day –
    • Option 1 – 9am roll out from the Pumpkin Patch on Signal Mtn for a 2 hour ride. Lee Davis leads
    • Option 2 – 10am roll out from the John A Patten rec. center in Tiftonia (3202 Kellys Ferry Rd near the old Bi-Lo) for a 2 hour ride. Steve Strain leads
  • Friday – Traditional Holiday Ride. Rolls from Unum at 9am. Steve Blankenship leads
  • Saturday – BR71 (Big Ralph’s 71st bday ride). Yep 1 mile for every year. Rolls at 8:30 from Falling Water for the full ride. Swing by Soddy Ball Fields to pick up those that want a shorter option at approximately 9:15. See map for details
  • Sunday – Pumpkin Patch ride on Signal Mtn. Rolls at 2pm.

SUNDAY 11/24

Since Saturday is a washout we’ll have a makeup ride Sunday.    Roll from Signal Kmart (now an Aldi) at 2:00 for the Tuesday night loop (Hotwater).    40 miles and back by 4:30.   Lots of ways to add on for those wanting more.    Joint ride so let’s keep it base pace at least on the way out.   


November 16

Gonna be cold again tomorrow so we hope Bullfrog remembers a base layer.   TB/Elites roll from Mike’s @ 9:00.   (Remember to park in the lot on Chilhowie — let’s park at the upper end so regular patrons will have the closest parks.)   We’ll head north for a climb up Montlake, down Hotwater, Armstrong, then wind our way back.   55 miles, 3700 feet.   Lots of ways to add on for those who must have a metric, or just tag along with BeelzeBub for an extra “fitty.”


The annual BubOne Bluegrass Ride rolls this Sat @ 9:30 from the Cove. As in the past, parking is at the Big House just past the Cove Store. Sweetie has again graciously provided festival wristbands for Bubba and significant others and BubOne will hand those out at the start of the ride. Post-ride we’ll hit the bluegrass festival for good food and great music where we’ll try to keep 003 from clogging. BYOBeer


IT’s TIME — 11/2

Fredonia X:  Plague of the Boils

Roll @ 8:30 from Signal Rd Aldi (old K-Mart).   80 miles.   3.5 climbs.     Lots of suffering.


Well, if you overlook the rain, fog, all the flats and the crash, great ride Saturday!

Since we got Saturday in, the Sequatchie loop is cancelled for Sunday.  Anyone interested in riding meet at old Signal Kmart (now the Aldi) @ 1:20.   Climb front of Signal and hook on to the normal 2:00 ride on top.   Back by 4:00.