Sat. 4/24 (Sun 4/25)

Saturday will be a washout. Feel free to chase Team Bubba Friday 4/23 if you choose.

Sunday we’ll do a makeup ride departing with TB at 1:30 from the St. Elmo Food City. Over the toe, out Browntown over to Rudy’s hood and then out Creek Rd. Back via Slygo. Roughly 42 miles without a major climb.

Sat. 4/3

Cold morning and a holiday weekend means a later start and a shorter ride. Roll from the downtown YMCA at 11am. We’ll head over the toe and out Browns Ferry Rd to Black Creek where we’ll climb Rudy’s Mtn. Not sure how far up we can go, but I have us turning around at mile 18.4. Head back towards town and climb some of Scenic Hwy to Sanders, down and out to Flintstone and back Burnt Mill Rd. 40 miles and 3,483 feet.

Elites Saturday 3/27/21

Weather update. Not much change so ride at your own risk. I’m sure some hard cores will show up at 8:30

Dark Sky’s not being helpful. Right now showing light rain on and off most of the morning.

For those willing to brave it, here’s a shortened version of TB’s ride rolling at 8:30 from St. Elmo Food City. Climbs Nick-a-Jack but descends into Trenton, New England, Slygo and back Wauhatchie Pike 50 miles. Map included.

ELITE Saturday 3/27/21

Dark Sky’s not being helpful. Right now showing light rain on and off most of the morning.

For those willing to brave it, here’s a shortened version of TB’s ride rolling at 8:30 from St. Elmo Food Lion. Climbs Nick-a-Jack but descends into Trenton, New England, Slygo and back Wauhatchie Pike 50 miles. Map included.

Sat. 3/14

Roll from Mikes (Chilhowee lot) @ 8:30.  Chase TB and then make a decision at Murphy Hollow. Can add miles at the end if desired.

Sat. 3/7 David Meek Memorial Ride

Elites will roll from Suck Creek Cycle at 9am but our route will be the Suck/Back of Signal Route. We’ll cruise the Brow before descending the front of Signal Mtn. W Road currently is not safe for cyclists. 55 miles and 4,700 ft.

Sat. 2/29 Sun. 3/1

Extra day this year to ride, but weather ain’t cooperating. We’ll join TB Saturday for a Riverview Hills ride for anyone wanting to brave the cold. Roll from Mike’s Hole in the Wall at 9:30. Sunday should be nicer so plan on a makeup ride rolling from Mike’s at 1:30pm. Route TBD.

Sat. 2/15

Couple of options in the morning to combat the cold. One don’t ride, two roll from Mike’s Hole in the Wall at 10:30 and decide between the following:

  • Riverview Hills
  • Elite’s Cold Weather route (see map) that’s 54 miles but has multiple places to short if your Raynaud’s kicks in
  • TB route that heads south thru Chattanooga Valley, up 136 and back via Creek Rd. (see map)

Lunch/beer after ride at Mike’s

Survival Sunday

Tough planning around church, the weather, and the Titans but Bubba will do the best he can.  Roll at 12:30 and then again at 2:00 from Suck Creek Cycle.   12:30 route climbs the front of Signal and returns to Suck for the 2:00 roll.  2:00 route does 15 miles of the riverview hills.  Should be back to Suck Creek by 3:15 for game at Mikes.  Those who could care less about football do another loop or until their toes get too cold (39 but feels like 33).   If too cold to climb Signal  the 12:30 group will do a warm up lap of the hills.