Elites will roll from Unum at 8:30. Cruise over the Toe, out Creek Rd and up Lookout via Hwy 136. We’ll visit the Humping Dog and then over to the store on top of the mountain around mile 35 as we’ll return via Hinkle Rd which turns into Lulu Lake, descend Nick-a-Jack, and back on Burnt Mill Rd so we can wave at Bub One again. 61 miles and 3,600 ft. of climbing. Lunch at UJ for those that can make it. If Monster show up we’ll probably tweak the route just so we can hear him complain…
Saturday 4/14/18
Here we go again. Based on most recent info from BeABubba.com official weather app Dark Sky, Elites will roll the dice and plan a ride. Roll from Unum at 8:30 and head south fighting the wind for the first 30 miles. We’ll wave at Bub One as we pass his house and make our way over to Marble Top. Take the 2 alternate loops on Cove Rd. and then cut over to Hog Jowl via Captain Wood Rd. Basically a straight shot from their to Chickamauga, Battlefield and back through Alton Park. Close to 62 miles. Download the map if you’re not familiar with the area. As always keep an eye on the website for updates.
Sat 4/21
Jacket wants a pre-Hincapie look at Sequatchie Mtn and seein’ as how he can’t remember his home phone number when he gets in trouble we figure we shouldn’t leave him alone. Roll at 8:30 from the old Tiftonia BiLo (corner of Cummings and Browns Ferry). (No reps from me about where you should park – I believe there’s an old school or something down Kelly Ferry that may be an option. The old BiLo lot may also be an option although the shops folks there may complain.) Out Cummings, down the stairs, East Valley to Valley View, and up Sequatchie Mtn. A metric and 4500 feet with lots of ways to short it. (Those numbers are deceiving: this one will hurt.) Count on one refueling stop at the Bait Shop (probably on the way back.)
Saturday 4/7/18
Ride at your own risk. Tired of trying to be a meteorologist. Right now the weather for tomorrow is not looking good. At best there might be a window to ride maybe between 10am and 2pm, but I’m not overly optimistic based on this forecast.
SATURDAY. Rain likely in the morning. Some light rain or drizzle into the afternoon. Little rise in temperature only to near 50. Windy from North 15-25 mph.
Saturday 3/31/18
Elites will roll from Unum at 9am with TB but in the opposite direction. We’ll do a modified 3S3M route but clockwise leaving out the Shellmound section. Regroup on 299 at the State Line you know the place near the train tracks where Dur likes to pee. About 7 miles shorter than TB route. Lunch at UJ for those that can stick around.
Saturday 3/31/18
When Boss is gone, T-Rex leads. Roll from Unum at 9am for the traditional 3S3M metric course. Up Suck, through the valley, Shellmound, and back via 299 (can only do this when Jay is out of town). Lunch at the UJ.
TNWC Reminder 4/24/18
Elites roll at 5:30 and No Stop Ride at 5:45
Saturday 3/24/18 – Update
Weather looks good. Let’s go for it.
Here we go again. Another potential rainy Saturday. This is the optimistic Elite ride. Roll from the old K-Mart at 9am for a variation on the traditional Suck/back of Signal Loop. This edition is a 60 miler that has a left turn at Powell’s Crossroads instead of a right. Check the map. Options include a right at Powell’s Crossroads for the standard route at 45 miles or turn around at the top of Suck and head back to K-Mart. Keep an eye on the website for weather updates.
Tuesday Night Worlds Reminder 3/20/18
Same plan as last week. Elites roll at 5:30 and No Stop Ride at 5:45
- We’ll bypass Green Pond and the Foot Washing church for a few weeks until the days get long enough to include. Instead we’ll take Miller Rd, Card Rd to Day Pike, cross over and Loop Rd to get to the bottom of Hotwater. (see map)
- It’s been reported that there is some road work on the 2nd turn on Levi Rd with some nasty gravel. No warning sign so be careful.
- As always Elites will regroup at end of Selcer Rd before left on Dayton Pike, end of Frontage, and at the Bank at the bottom of climb. Play nice I’m sure there will be some new folks joining.
Finally “No Stop Ride” aka NSR will roll at 5:45 and follow the same course. To roll with the Elites you’ll have to present your authorized Elite membership card…
Saturday 3/17/18
Delaying rollout until 10:30
Watching the rain forecast again for Saturday. Will delay the rollout time to 9:30 from the old Falling Water Elementary parking lot for a classic Bubba route. Head north towards Soddy and continue on Back Valley to climb Leggett. We’ll return via Hendon, Lewis Chapel, and Poe Rds. 55 miles and 3,500 ft of climbing. Come prepared as there’s not any good store stops along the route.
Watch this site Saturday morning for rain updates.