Sat. 9/4 & Mon. 9/6

Roll from Soddy Ball Fields @ 8:30 Sat for a Bubba Elite favorite – Leggett, Ogden, Cranmore.  (We’ve been saving this one for cooler weather and we’ll have it Saturday!) We’ll fill bottles at the church on top and have a store stop in Graysville. Okay, I know this looks strangely like TB’s ride for Saturday because it is. When they blow by I’m sure some will try to latch on, just know at some point I’ll come along and sweep you up. This ride will have us spread all over the mountain, so just find your group and have fun. Also know that you might be able to play Uber and give folks a ride home when done.

Monday is the Holiday Ride +  BeezleBub’s Birthday Bash so we’ll roll from his compound (1546 Burnt Mill Rd Flintstone GA 30725) @ 9:00.   Usual holiday route (40+/- miles) with birthday natties and BBQ at the end.  (Thanks Sweetie!)

Sat 9/4 – Mon 9/6

Roll from Falling Water @ 8:00 Sat for a Bubba favorite – Leggett, Ogden, Cranmore.    (We’ve been saving this one for cooler weather and we’ll have it Saturday!)   It’s a bit longer than usual at 75 miles, but it’s easy to shave it to 55 by jumping on in Soddy or turning around at the top of Leggett if you want less.  We’ll fill bottles at the church on top and have a store stop in Graysville.

Monday is the Holiday Ride +  BeezleBub’s Birthday Bash so we’ll roll from his compound (1546 Burnt Mill Rd Flintstone GA 30725) @ 9:00.   Usual holiday route (40+/- miles) with birthday natties and BBQ at the end.  (Thanks Sweetie!)


Sat. 8/28

Dog days of summer are still on us so the Elites will again stay of the climbs and limit our vertical mileage to the “rollers” of Soddy Daisy, yes it will include Cap Elsea (but from the easy direction) Roll from Falling Water at 8:30, head north through normal terrain. When we get to Soddy Ball Fields will take Osage, Clift Mill, Lee Pike, May Rd, Daugherty Ferry, etc. and continue north up and over Cap Elsea. Back by Old McDonald’s Farm, Back Valley, etc. For those that really need a climb you can do Hotwater as we come back by, otherwise stick to the map. 55 miles and 3,200 feet of rollers.

Sat. 8/21

The Elites will roll at 8:30 (2nd shift) from St. Elmo Food City and scoot our way over to Rossville, down though the Battlefield (no, not going by the visitors center), up Davis Ridge and then keep heading south past the Cowboy Church. We’ll detour down to the Catlett Grocery store at mile 30 before heading west on Reed Rd to Straight Gut. Back home the normal way which yes will include the Fish Hook in Flintstone and then up Burnt Mill. Almost a metric and 3,500 feet of climbing. At my pace I doubt TB will still be in the parking lot drinking Natties.

Sat. 7/24

Elites will roll from St. Elmo Food City at 8:30. Over the toe and south to Trenton on Creek Rd. and head down US 11to Byrds Chapel Rd. From there head back north, climb Sand and Cruise Brow Rd. down Hales Gap Rd. left on Dugan Loop to Slygo, 299, Wauhatchie. Your choice if you want to do the Scenic Hwy, Saunders Rd kicker at the end. 54 miles (with kicker) and 3,900 feet of climbing. See map for details.

Sat. 6/12

Elites will say hello to TB in the morning but then head south to Mountain Cove Farm. Roll at 8:30 from St Elmo Food City. Will go to the Cove via Marble Top and return via Hog Jowl, Kensington, and yes do the Fish Hook in Flintstone before cruising by Bub’s house. 65 miles and 3,500 feet of rolling. Hopefully that will still give King and me enough energy for some Saturday afternoon Pickleball.

Sat. 5/29 & Mon 5/31

Elites going gravel Saturday. Roll at 9:00 am from the Suck Creek Baptist Church at the base of Suck Creek Mtn. up the mtn to Prentice Cooper. Route includes the Davis Pond Loop. 40 miles and 3,800 ft of climbing.

Roll Monday @ 9:00 from the St Elmo Food City for the holiday ride up Missionary Ridge and to the Battlefield.  Typical holiday route which is around 40 miles.  Check posted map in Other Ride section below but remember WE ARE STARTING IN ST ELMO.

Sat. 5/8

The Elites will play a little cat and mouse with TB Saturday. Roll from St. Elmo Food City @ 8:30. When they turn left on Salem (mile 2.3) we’ll continue straight on Burnt Mill and make our way to Marble Top, climb 136, do part of the humping dog, take a store break, and then head down 136 towards Trenton and back on Creek Rd. It will be interesting to see when and if we cross paths with TB during the day. 52 miles and 3,700 feet of climbing.

Sat. 4/24 (Sun 4/25)

Saturday will be a washout. Feel free to chase Team Bubba Friday 4/23 if you choose.

Sunday we’ll do a makeup ride departing with TB at 1:30 from the St. Elmo Food City. Over the toe, out Browntown over to Rudy’s hood and then out Creek Rd. Back via Slygo. Roughly 42 miles without a major climb.

Sat. 4/3

Cold morning and a holiday weekend means a later start and a shorter ride. Roll from the downtown YMCA at 11am. We’ll head over the toe and out Browns Ferry Rd to Black Creek where we’ll climb Rudy’s Mtn. Not sure how far up we can go, but I have us turning around at mile 18.4. Head back towards town and climb some of Scenic Hwy to Sanders, down and out to Flintstone and back Burnt Mill Rd. 40 miles and 3,483 feet.