Sept 7

Roll from Falling Water @ 8:00.  Short warmup then climb Mtn Road.  Down Hotwater, Hixson Pike to Armstrong, then Lee Pike.  (Yes we know what is gonna happen when we see the yard with the big fence.). Left at the end and then we wind around to the bottom of Leggett and make our way back.  Let’s call it 58 miles and 3800 feet.  Strong men add a climb up Hotwater at the end to get to a metric and 4500.

Labor Day Weekend

TB AND ELITES roll for a joint ride Saturday (8/31) @ 8:00 from Unum.     Old Three State Three Mountain metric course.     Regroup after Suck, at the bait shop (only store stop), and at the end of 299.    Those wanting more can follow BeelzeBub up Lookout to Sanders (yes, we know he’s goin’).    Post ride refueling again at the UJ where I understand a sign is now posted reading “No fluorescent compression socks.”  (003, really?)    A metric and 3700 feet.  Back before 12.  Map link below. 

 TB AND ELITES roll for the holiday ride Monday @ 8:30 from Unum.    Typical route up Missionary with a twist after Missionary to get to the battlefield since there’s some kind of parade.   (We know from Jacket’s altercation with the Shriner’s mini-cars during the Signal parade a few years ago, and the time the people threw things at us during the Soddy parade, that Bubba doesn’t do well in parades.)   Let’s call it 45 miles and 2500 feet. 


Sunday 3/25/18

Weatherman is stoopid.  Roll Sun @ 2:00 from old signal rd Kmart.  Up Montlake, down hot water and back.  Yes Steady, it is less than ‘half a hundred.’  46 miles, 2700 feet.  We’ll keep it moving and lots of ways to short it.

Sunday 3/25/18


from the old Signal Rd. Kmart. North, climb Montlake, down Hotwater and back.  Yes Steady, it’s less than ‘half a hundred.’  46 miles 2700 feet.  We’ll keep it moving and lots of ways to short it if you have less time.