Saturday 3/9

Here we go again with more rain forecast this Saturday.   I will host a 2 hour  Zwift ride at 8:30 AM and all Bubbas are welcome to join.  Heck, no reason to make it exclusive to Bubbas,  feel free to invite your cousin, neighbors, or mother-in-law’s so long as they are a Zwift subscriber they are welcome to suffer with the rest of us.

The rules are same as prior events:

In order to join up you: 

  1. Need to be a Zwift subscriber.
  2. Have to follow me on Zwift (jim Shea).  Feel free to discontinue after Saturday. 

I have already invited those folks who joined up on the last ride.  If you have not joined in previously but want to participate reply back to this email and be sure to include your name as listed on Zwift..  Late Friday I will revise the invites via Zwift to add new participants to this Meetup.  We have a planned session of 2 hours but allow late starters and early exits.  As in the past you are not able to leave the Bubba pack as I am using Zwift setting “Keep Everyone Together”.  However,  we all need to work together to keep a strong combined average pace.  In other words NO SANDBAGGING so you can kick hard to get sprint points!

If we have a divine intervention and the weather clears up we will post a ride from the Bubba route library late Friday.    Hopefully the weather will improve next week.